selected writing

Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, & Hybrid Writing:

Poetry Is Bread Anthology (Nirala Press), “birds. a pocket of air,” forthcoming
Documentary Poetry Anthology (Wesleyan University Press),Readymade,” forthcoming 2026
Surreal Confessional Poetry Anthology (Defunkt), “The Porch,” “The Second Day of the Tongue,” forthcoming
“Half an O of light,” forthcoming
Cul-de-sac of Blood, “Vampires,” forthcoming
Broken Lens Journal,
“a field,” “The glare,” “Pond Glimmer,” “The Doll Is a Membrane”
New Delta Review,
Window,” “Orb-Wobble”
The Nature of Our Times,
“Spring ruffles in,” “Small things,” “Green Ways”
Poetry Is Currency, “
A Little Knowledge,” “A Salty Divide,” forthcoming
Poetry Bay,
“Winter’s Glance,” “Magic”
Glyph Aubade
“A line is a dot,” “Seed Stitch,” “divisions to the rescue,” “the only cow is time,” print issue Summer 2024
“<classical Latin pax,” forthcoming
Antiphony: A Journal and Press, “
After Rain”
New American Writing,
“Silk Confetti,” “half-finished heaven,” print issue Summer 2024
Emerge Literary Journal, “
Stigmatology,” At first
Puerto del Sol, “We navigate the siren,” “Night is a clone,” “darkness folded,” print issue Spring 2024
The Glacier,
“Ruddy,” forthcoming
Nat. Brut,
Poem to Polarity”
Couplet, “Summer and winter clouds,” “Not Body”
Texas Review,
“The Heredity of Systems,” “Fairytale,” print issue Spring 2024
Dialogist, “
Chasing,” “Custom-Made”
“The Docket”
Sweet: A Literary Confection,
“Pulling air into a tight vortex,” “The Stair”
Rise Up Review,
Chant de la Siréne: Journal of the Hybrid Arts, 
Allium, A Journal of Poetry and Prose,
“Green ways” (print)
A Contemporary American Jewish Anthology, Laurel Review,
“The Margin and
                 Carmen Crest” (print)
Ice Floe Press, “
Questions on Looking Up,” “reflection”
The New Verse News,
“Small things”
Quarter After Eight,
“A twig” (print)
Sugar House Review, “Quipo,”
(video poem) in Sugar Suites
“Riding the Polished Lenses,” forthcoming (print)
the speeches of the gods snail out
“Non-Adaptive”  (print)
Berkeley Poetry Review,
“Hull” (print)
The Dodge, “Crown,” “Salvation,”  Intervention”
            (“Intervention” nominated for Best of the Net 2024)
SurVision Magazine,
In your insomniac dreams,” “Why so quiet”
New Note Poetry,
House Mountain Review,
Berlin Lit,
“Aubade Oh God,” “Late Air”
Action, Spectacle,
“Aubade Again”
Cosmonaut Avenue, “
Friendly Message of 2021,” (app-poem), forthcoming
“Folded sky,”  “Fraya,” “Backlit”
“island refuge,” “Headquarters,” “Spores like Kasuma’s dots,” “canned ice,”  “A plot designed” (print)
Colorado Review, “Arrays” (print)
Different birds maybe 1,” Different birds maybe 2″ (print)
Diagram, Crown Molding
Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, Landscapes,” “Maglo:,” Patternation”
Indianapolis Review’s
Poets Are Funny issue, “Have you renewed your poetic license yet?” (found poem)
Anthropocene, “
Anything Face,” “Footsteps on the ceiling”
On the Seawall, “Swatch,” “Tree,” “Mozart’s Colander”
Big City Lit, “Wolf Shadow”
South Dakota Review, “On Point and Position,” “Axiom of Midnight,” “Myself a young tree,”
“Imitation of a Song,” “primitive eyes: thirteen lines” (print)
Matter: A Journal of Political Poetry,
“Be Vague Tomorrow,”“Readymade”
La Vague Journal, “Dimension E.” “Awakened by a Mosquito”
Stone Canoe, Number 15, “Jamming occurs when non-target sounds interfere with target echoes”
TAGVERK, “Subterranean Fires”
Gulf Coast,
“Hyrax Syntax,” “Umbilical Dot”
Anti-Heroin Chic, “An early sandwich,” “Indoors, we watch the wind press against things”
The Cincinnati Review, “Dissolve,” “Why part 2,” “in a Mélange”
Pangyrus,  “Slight of Hand”
Interim: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics,
“Powerpoints,” “The War in which I Ask for a Wish and am Given License,””Into Everything Animal,” Volume 36, Issue 5 (print)
Love’s Executive Order, “Spring ruffles in”
Zócalo Public Square,
“In Case of Fire”
Verse Daily, 
“the blue” (re-printed from SISYPHUSINA)
Plume, “spattered measure”
APARTMENT, Cosmic rays from outer space go through your body every second,” “Braided,” “Hinge,” “Invasive Owls,” “In the sun-sweep of the aurora”
Verse Daily, “Casual wind” (previously appeared in Sugarhouse Review)
Yes, Poetry
, “Slide”
Can we have our ball back?, “Unsayable &. Right Here” (collaborative poem with Adam Tedesco & Aimee Wright Clow)
Can we have our ball back?, “Gut the Lion,” “It makes there be some duende,” “47 or 4 or 7”
Nervous Breakdown, “The Singing, Ringing Tree”
Verse Daily, “Let the possum go”
Notre Dame Review, 
& NOW Festival of Innovative Writing Anthology Issue, “FLECKS”
Pine Hill Review, “Magical Realism”
Sugarhouse Review, “I wonder if ties mince,” “excerpt,” “meditation portrait,” “Casual wind” (print, 10th anniversary issue)
Territory, “Come Be One with Me”
Newfound, A serene fog of moons sprinkled with plums
Dream Pop Journal, “No one spoke”
Denver Quarterly, “I like to contemplate green green,” “Now” (print)
Vestiges—Black Sun Lit,
“Weed-Gatherer,” “Cold with Abundant Sun,”  “Perishables are upon us”
Western Humanities Review, “FLECKS”
Big Other, “Spring, mid-afternoon,””trying to fall asleep at the hole,” “the recriminations swarm,” “the years,” “Winter Lining,”  “Vacated Premises”
Tupelo Quarterly, “
Morning Glories”
Poetry Magazine: At the End of the Day,”Mango hats stood out from the rest”
Entropy, “A distinction not dissimilar from geometries of flight in darkness”
The Equalizer, Series 3,the invention of heaven,” “where all is fled,” “imagine a day without pain,” “wax,” “Rain Loaves,”  “Prism”
Dusie, “
Nervous Breakdown, After-After”
Marsh Hawk Review, Sing to me, sing to me too,” “are you up for being the comma tonight”
Verse Daily, “The way a drop”
Posit, “is beauty jumping a Bay,” “night tree,” “sun on a mantle”
Dispatches Poetry Wars, “Rattle,” “can*opy,”Draw a roar of bricks”
Bath House Journal, “inter: state,” “violet,” “makeshift,” Untitled or Note to Self,” “sun siren”
Entropy, “just another angle day”
Upstate New York Gray (no. 1),” “Upstate New York Gray (no. 2)”
Poetry Magazine, “Scale”
Yew, “
Psalm,” “window1 & window2”
Brooklyn Rail, “
pink chants,” “grammatica
32 Poems:
“Palm trees blowing, feathers,” “birds, pockets of air.”
Loose Change
, “Eva 1 & Eva 2”
Transom, “troy moon”
Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, “a suit a suit makes,” “pause between branches,” “Rain”, Poet of the Month April 2103
Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day: “a woman all about love yesterday.”& on Poem Flow
Lana Turner:
windrose,” “How to preserve”
“the very eye of night,” “copy”
RealPoetik: “skin lines,” “seasoned”
Trickhouse: “~”
Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day: “Sisyphusina”
Bone Bouquet:
Drunken Boat:
“Units & Increments”
Poetry Daily:
“Patriarch Sky”
Word For/Word:
“the girl with quiet clothes”
No Tell Motel: “the blue,” “Midwinter,” “Step,” “The 2nd Day of the Tongue,” “Penmanship of Trees”
Anti-: “sister brother bucket horse”
Verse Daily: “spoke”
Shampoo: “shoot the breeze,” “scales”
The Blue Jew Yorker: “Shin, Lamad, Mem”
EOAGH: “pumpkin trash bags,” “inversion, salt lake city”
Omnidawn’s Blog: “to the equinox”
Drunken Boat: “wax,” “Black Flowers,” “the sun a blazing zero”
Diagram: “Please Don’t Tap the Windows,” “Arachne”
La Fovea: “flying to my master,” “Up the Wazoo River”
Pinstripe Fedora: “War, Memory, and Mints”
Coconut: “glass,” “thinking olive patch,” “Nushu,” and “law”
Tarpaulin Sky:“Phytochemicals,” “so”
Can We Have Our Ball Back?:“Ice,” “Ovule”
Electronic Poetry Review:Leaf Weather” “& see unleafed”
Painted Bride Quarterly: “The Grasses Unload their Grief”
Poetry Daily: “Celerity”
How2: “Twin,” “Motion,” “If you’re going to keep criticizing the beginning”
National Public Radio: “Blue Skies”
Poetry Society of America: “Blue Skies”
Web del Sol: “The Existing Lover in Everyday Life,” “Origami,” “Waving”

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Brooklyn Rail: “Micromosaics”
Diagram: “Flounders”
Big Bridge: “Life as an Abstract”
Outsider Ink: “Do With Me What You Will”

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“saidst,” PoetrySeen (archived; here on Vimeo)

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Drunken Boat Reviews Editor:
Drunken Boat, Issue 15
Drunken Boat, Issue 17
Drunken Boat,
Issue 18
Drunken Boat,
Issue 19
Drunken Boat,
Issue 20
Drunken Boat,
Issue 21
Drunken Boat,
Issue 22

Tarpaulin Sky Magazine, Special Features Editor &  “What I’m Reading Now… Series’ Curator

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